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Interludia v1.0u2
12.06.2011, 15:56

Разработчик: Avatar (interludia.xp3.biz)
Размер: 21.13 mb
Хроники: Interlude
Платформа: Java
Ревизия: 1.0u2
Залито на: RGhost.ru|Dump.ru
Год: 2011

Interludia Project (l2j) by Avatar
Наш сайт : http://interludia.16mb.com/

Обновление v.1.0

- Automatically created /trunk directory. We recommend you to put all your code there.
- Import "Clean Source" of L2jTeon Revision 804:
//I think it is stable revision.
- Import "Clean Source" of L2jTeon Revision 804:
//I think it is stable revision.
- Rename folder to Interludia[Core].
- Rename folder to Interludia[DP].
- Rename folder to Interludia[MMOCore].
- Lets start !!
a)Delete copyrights.
b)Rename some files(libs,txt...)
(l2jteon.jar -> interludia.jar).
- Added getActiongPlayer() - will be useful for L2PcInstance / Summon checks.
- pickUpMe() method Moved from L2Object to L2ItemInstance.
- Now potions with delay.
- Fix TVT Engine.
- Update Admin Spawn.

- Fix Auction bug.

- a)Fix Attack stop:
If to attack the mob by skill attack (mortal blow, deadly blow, sting, and so on...
all physical skills) and then before as the skill was restored (for repeated using) try to
use it again char stops the next physical attack (usual, not skill attack)... This the message
is given that skill hasn't restored yet ... It creates considerable difficulties especially in
PVP when you try to use the skill hardly earlier than skill to be restored, and the char suddenly
stops physical attack.
- Update Community Board: Party SP/XP Rate will now shows sum of rate it modifies to reduce confusion.
- Typos.
- Fix Spoil:
if your target change after casting spoil it will spoil the old one instead of the current one.
- Corrected some files:

Обновление v.1.0u1

- Fix set title on a Pet.
- dropMe for L2ItemInstance Geodata check.
- Adding Config option for list of player names in the Region BBS.
By default, player-names are hidden.
- Fix NPE in dropMe.
- Changing sow success chance when seed level far from target level.
- When using class manager to change class, calls rewardskills.

Обновление v.1.0u2

- Fix L2ItemInstance:
Less DB load on char exit, doesn't resave all items. Was because setCount was done in item loading after
setting _storedInDb and not vice versa.
- Nasty zone bug on char exit.
- Prevent a player to sell an equipped item to a store like official.
- Summon can attack without Ctrl in several places:
a)PVP Zones
- Fix NPE in GMViewPledge.
- CursedWeapon:Remove Skills Correction.
- Herb effects not saved, now they disappear at relogin.

Категория: Сервера Lineage 2 | Добавил: создатель
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